Roamin Rich Runs Into Towmater


Exciting news, everyone! Roamin Rich got to meet the real-life Towmater in Carsland! Towmater is a famous character from the movie Cars, and he's a tow truck!

Roamin Rich was so excited when he saw Towmater in person. He said that Towmater looked just like he did in the movie, with his big bucktooth grin and rusted body. Roamin Rich even got to take a picture with him!

Towmater is one of the most popular characters in Carsland. He's always hanging out in front of his cozy cabin, telling stories and making jokes. He's even got his own ride, called Tow Mater's Junkyard Jamboree, where you can spin around and listen to some honky-tonk music.

But did you know that Towmater is based on a real truck? It's true! The creators of Cars actually found an old tow truck in a junkyard and used it as inspiration for the character. They even added some extra details like the buckteeth and the tow hook on the back.

Meeting Towmater was definitely one of the highlights of Roamin Rich's trip to Carsland. If you're a fan of the movie Cars, you've got to come visit and say hi to Towmater too!

Hey Kids! - Who knows this guy???

Posted by Hooked on Route 66 on Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Live version of Towmater from the Disney Pixar Movie CARS.


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